Plenty of things to do in the garden this month - but make sure you do number one!!
- Make some time to sit and enjoy your garden.
- Plant out all your bedding and other half-hardy summer-flowering plants – as soon as the fear of frosts and cold nights has passed.
- Water container plants regularly - probably daily, depending on the weather.
- Check plants regularly to see if they need watering. If they do, give them a thorough soaking.
- Feed wild birds daily with suitable bird food. They rely on us for food all year round.
- Keep secateurs and hoe blades sharp, so they cut well. Always have a tool sharpener handy.
- Remove algae and blanket weed from ponds to stop them taking over and choking them.
- Keep bird baths topped up with water as birds need a daily supply of fresh water.
- Clean tools with an oily rag after use to keep them clean, looking good and prevent rusting.