Clacton Road, Essex, CO16 9DN
01255 831083

May 31, 2024

Gardening Jobs for June from Hilltop Garden Centre!

June is a wonderful month for gardening, and Hilltop Garden Centre near Clacton on Sea is here to help you make the most of it. As a family-run business with over 75 years of experience in providing quality plants and friendly customer service, we understand the importance of the home and garden. Our knowledgeable team is dedicated to offering the best gardening advice and ideas to help your garden, home, and life bloom brighter. Let’s dive into some essential gardening tips, advice, and jobs for June!

Plant Roses this Month

June is National Rose Month, and it's the perfect time to celebrate these beautiful flowers as they are in full bloom and looking absolutely gorgeous right now. Roses are our plant of the month here at Hilltop Garden Centre and we have a wide range of British-grown roses in-store that are perfect for adding a splash of colour and a wonderful fragrance to your garden. To get the best results, we recommend planting your roses with our RocketGro Tree and Shrub Compost, which is available in-store for £6.99 a bag or 2 bags for £13. This organic compost provides essential nutrients and supports healthy root development. To plant your roses:

  • Water the potted rose an hour before you plant it
  • In the meantime, dig a hole twice as wide as the pot, and 2 inches deeper than the pot (roses should be planted 2 inches deeper than the pot soil if going into the ground)
  • Put a handful of RocketGro Tree and Shrub Compost into the hole and lightly fork in
  • Place the rose into the hole and place a garden cane across the top of the hole to act as a guide to ensure the rose is planted at the correct depth
  • Backfill the hole with our RocketGro Tree and Shrub Compost, working it between the roots with your fingers to eliminate air pockets, and then continue filling the hole
  • Firm down the soil with your hand, and water in well.

Tip: Deadhead your roses regularly to encourage new growth and remove any dead or diseased wood. Water them well during dry spells (especially if they are planted in pots or containers), and apply a mulch to retain moisture and suppress weeds. In their first season, make sure not to allow roses to dry out, and apply a liquid feed when you plant them, once when they're in flower, and again in the autumn to replace the nutrients they've lost over the flowering period and to prepare them for next year.

British Grown Roses at hilltop Garden Centre near Clacton

Prune Shrubs for a Second Flush of Flowers

June is the ideal time to keep your garden in check with some essential summer pruning. This helps to shape your plants, remove any dead or damaged growth, and encourage a second flush of new flowers. Focus on early-flowering shrubs that have finished blooming, such as lilacs and forsythias.

Tip: Use clean, sharp tools to make precise cuts - pop in to browse our comprehensive selection of gardening tools in-store. Aim to remove about one-third of the old wood to promote healthy growth. Don’t forget to water your plants well after pruning to help them recover quickly.

Pruning Lilacs at Hilltop Garden Centre near Clacton

Plant Summer Bedding and Perennials

June is a great month to fill any gaps in your borders with summer annuals and perennials. Hilltop Garden Centre offers a fantastic selection of perennials and home-grown bedding plants that will provide continuous colour throughout the summer months. Consider planting marigolds, petunias, and aubretia for vibrant displays, or opt for perennials like echinacea, foxgloves, and hollyhocks for a cottage garden feel (or even a mix of both). It's always best to plant in groups of three, so our current offer on perennials - 3 for £12, and our 3 for £10 offer on Summer Bedding Plant Packs from our home-grown collection - makes it even easier to create a beautiful garden for less.

Tip: Mix compost into the soil before planting to improve fertility and drainage - you can use our RocketGro Multi-Purpose or Beds and Borders organic compost for the best results (buy 2 bags for £13 in-store). Remember to water perennials in when you plant them, and water regularly until they establish strong roots. Water bedding plants regularly throughout the summer and every day when the weather is hot and dry to keep them looking their best.

Summer bedding plants at Hilltop Garden Centre near Clacton

Water and Mulch

As the weather warms up, it's crucial to keep your garden well-watered. Early morning or late evening watering is best to minimise evaporation and ensure that plants absorb the most moisture. Consider installing a water butt in your garden to collect rainwater - not only do plants prefer rainwater to tap water, it will save you money on your water bill. If you don't have the space to install a water butt, we currently have the Hozelock Plus Cart which includes 30metres of garden hose on offer for just £59.99. Mulching is another excellent way to conserve water and keep your plants healthy, and you can pick up a bag of mulch at Hilltop along with your plants.

Tip: Apply a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch, such as bark chips or compost, around the base of your plants. This will help retain soil moisture, regulate soil temperature, and reduce weed growth - so it's a win-win.

Water and mulch plants in June

Plant Dahlias This month

Dahlias are vibrant, stunning flowers that bring a burst of colour to any garden. Plant dahlia tubers now, choosing a sunny spot with well-drained soil, and plant the tubers about 6 inches deep and 18 inches apart.

These beauties bloom from mid-summer until the first frost in autumn, providing continuous colour. Dahlias come in various sizes and colours, making them the perfect choice for any garden design. Regular watering and deadheading will keep them thriving. To support taller varieties, use stakes or a plant support.

Dahlias are also perfect for cutting and bringing indoors. Cut the flowers early in the morning when they are fully open and place them in water immediately to extend their vase life. Enjoy their vibrant blooms and add a splash of colour and beauty to your home.

With proper care, dahlias will reward you with a spectacular display year after year, so pop in and check out our range in-store.

Dahlias at Hilltop Garden Centre near Clacton

Veggie Patch Maintenance

June is a busy month for the vegetable garden. Keep on top of weeding, as weeds can quickly take over and compete with your crops for nutrients and water. Pinch out the tips of tomato plants to encourage bushier growth and more fruit production. It's also time to start harvesting early crops like lettuce, radishes, and spinach.

Tip: Keep an eye out for pests, such as aphids and slugs, which can quickly damage your vegetable plants. Use organic pest control methods to protect your crops and maintain a healthy garden ecosystem. This year is a fruitful year for slugs and we recommend using beer traps to eradicate them as they really do work.

How to deal with slugs - tips from Hilltop Garden Centre near Clacton

Enjoy Your Garden

Lastly, remember to take the time to enjoy your garden. Whether it's hosting a family BBQ, relaxing with a book, or simply taking a stroll to admire your hard work, June is the perfect month to reap the rewards of your gardening efforts. At Hilltop Garden Centre, we offer everything you need to make your garden a sanctuary - stop off at our lovely garden centre with a cafe where you can relax and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee and lunch or a sweet treat after browsing our garden centre.

Tip: Visit Hilltop Garden Centre to try out our selection of quality, sturdy, and long-lasting garden furniture for comfort, and browse our range of decor and accessories to create your ideal outdoor living space.

Garden Furniture range at Hilltop Garden Centre near Clacton

Visit Hilltop Garden Centre

Hilltop Garden Centre is your go-to destination for all things gardening in Essex. Conveniently located in Clacton, we offer a wide range of plants, gardening supplies, and expert advice to help you achieve a beautiful and thriving garden. Join us this June and take advantage of our special offers and our stunning range of British-grown roses and essential gardening products. We look forward to welcoming you and helping you make the most of your garden this summer.

Remember, whether you're looking for a garden centre in Clacton, or anywhere in Essex, Hilltop Garden Centre is here to provide you with the best in quality and service. Happy gardening!

Mon - Sat: 9am to 5pm
Sun: 10am to 4pm
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